Happy Birthday!!

It is not an easy task to start a business from scratch. Really having no clue what you are doing, but you have a vision, determination and a wiliness to learn. I had no clue what my business was going to look like today, One year later.

Somethings are not as expected and some things exceed my expectations. A few of my struggles this first year of business is being organized and being realistic of how much time things take. Balancing a full time job, kids and opening a business is tough. Social Media is a lot and there is so many different tools and programs. It can be really overwhelming. Oh course we want to do it all.

If you are just starting out, or own your own business just keep going. Push harder in those moments of doubt and blocks. This next year I plan to work on getting more products, streamline social media postings and getting services offered, up and running. This next year I am simplifying processes and trying to work smarter not harder.

A few tools that have helped me in the first year:

( not affiliated with Cosmic Cupboard just helpful tips) 

  • UNFOLD - app for reels and posts. Low cost, has stock photos to use at no additional cost.
  • Storybeat - app for reel and posts. Can add your own music and sync to music. Great templates
  • Lightroom - Microsoft app - Editing Photo App. Helps editing multiple photos at one time. Downfall a little pricey.
  • Tailwind - app for scheduling posts, reels and stories. Easy to use, connect to Instagram's, Facebook or Pinterest.
  • Faire.com - Wholesale website. This website has a lot of unique products with lower min. purchases. This website has smaller home base wholesalers. I like to help other small business as well as find unique products.
  • Udemy.com - Learning program app. Offers educational classes for low cost. All sorts of courses from business, finance, marketing etc. Some classes offer certifications as well.

Can wait to update this blog next year to note all the progress and new people that have joined our community.

Thanks for being here!!! 



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