The 5 C’s

The 5 C’s

ComplainingThe dissatisfaction or annoyance about something

Focus on what you like and what is good, not what you don’t have or how something could be better.

Criticizing -to Indicate the faults of someone or something is a disapproving way.

Let’s get off our high horses, nobody or anything is better than anybody. Everyone is one their own journey and have different paths.

Concern/ Worryrelate to, be about, anxiety/worry

Are you about what might happen or could happen. Let go of the need control outcomes you have no control of. Trust that you will know what to do when the time comes.

Commiseratingfeel, show or express pity for someone

When we commiserate with friends and family, we are sharing our similarities of our lousy feelings. Doesn’t sound bad because we all need to vent. Instead of going down in the hole of negative feelings with friends, throw them a rope and help pull them out with a positive outlook and practical solutions.

CatastrophizingTo imagine the worst possible outcome of an action or event

This doesn’t do anybody any good, again we struggle with what could happen. Maybe, might, could, that may be a possibility. Catastrophizing can be related to having low self esteem or fear from a past events when someone may have felt out of control. Try to live in the moment right now, not in the future.


I got this from an amazing interview on “ Manifest Abundance: 5 Limiting believes blocking your quantum breakthrough” on Utube by Lewis Howes

He interviewed Price Pritchett a business owner, innovator, and book writer. If you are interested in the interview see below.

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