Pluto and Leo Oh My!

Pluto and Leo Oh My!

 Pluto shifts into Aquarius. 

On the 20th of January Pluto entered the sign of Aquarius from the sign Capricorn. Pluto has been in the sign of Capricorn and has been in the sign of Aquarius twice since 2008 ( Financial crisis)  and 1798 (American Revolutionary War, French and Haitian Revolution). It has and will briefly shift back to Capricorn and then again into Aquarius for another 20 year run until 2044.  Pluto is the planet of discord, destruction, breaking down old structures, money and power. Pluto mixed with Aquarius brings the energy of rebirth, political injustices to light, community, people’s rights, growth and renewal along with it as well.
We could see many things coming to light this year. Hidden agendas, world protests, discord among family and friends this could cause some tense and heavy energy. This energy is needed to push us in a new stage and into a new world in a way.  This will bring in some big changes so hold on and go with the flow as much as possible. Self care and time to yourself unplugged will be important in the next years to come. Keeping a healthy balanced head to shift into the new lighter version of you. Try to see the big picture and don’t hold too tight to the old you. Leading with love and an open heart. 

January 25th Wolf Moon in Leo 
Fire/ Sun 
This week we shared a full moon in Leo. Culmination, clarity, boldness, courage, creative expression. This is a great time to get out  of our comfort zones. Shine our light and don’t be afraid to get out there. Meet new people, art, music, festivals. Starting new goals, starting new projects, forming new connections. ❤️ 
I am open to face any challenges head on and with courage, balance and understanding. 🦁
Cosmic Cupboard 
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