Pick a Pile!

Pick A Pile 1️⃣2️⃣3️⃣

Focus on the picture for a few seconds and then pick a pile, for a guided message from spirt. All pile descriptions below. ⬇️

Let us know if it resonates ❤️🙏🏻





Pile 1

You could possibly be feeling like there is so much to do, and not enough time to do it. Filled with ideas, passion, and drive. You may even have a little more energy than usual. Really working on goals or goal setting is in the air. Getting things in order. Be careful not to be too hasty in your endeavors, or you could burn out quickly. Getting out in nature could be beneficial. You may be coming out of a period when you have felt drained or that you just keep getting hit at every angle. It seems to be looking up and a new perspective is upon us to balance everything out. Try to remember to have fun!


Pile 2

I feel a real sense of disappointment with these cards, and I have a feeling it has to do with financial stability, your career, or your home situation. The structure if you will. I feel a sense of not having enough or stressing a lot about stability. You may be really trying to make big decisions regarding money or your home. Sometimes what we want to do and what we think we can do, are two different things. In this case we need to try and think outside the box. You may not be extremely happy with all your options In front of you, but you can always create new ones. Try to step back and look at the big picture. Can you hire someone, can you ask for help, can you try something different. Maybe a work smarter not harder approach is needed.



Pile 3

Is it time to get started on that passion project or are we ready launch? Have you done all the research and leg work to get all the information you need? Be careful not to jump the gun until you have done the proper preparation for whatever you want to accomplish. Learn from the past and don’t hold on too tight to old patterns or be too stubborn to be open to new ideas. Like Pile 1 there is lots of passion and the need to act is on your mind. Just a little warning that karma is at play, and you don’t want to be on the receiving end, so move with grace and authenticity to the people and places along your path.


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