Once in a Blue Moon…

Once in a Blue Moon…

 August 30th/31st - Full Super Moon in Pisces


Blue Super Fullmoon will not be seen again until 2037. Hints the once in a blue moon, not that the moon is actually blue. The biggest and brightest of the full moons for 2023, as well as 7 Planets in retrograde including Venus and Mercury. So, a lot is going on in the sky this month. Pisces sign brings beautiful energy of unconditional love, empathy, compassion, oneness, healing, and creativity. Pisces can also be known for their compassion for others, they are an egoless sign, observant and are very good at holding space for others. Such beautiful energy coming in is great until, it aggravates anything not in alignment. What happens when we are not feeling compassionate?


This energy coming in can cause emotions to be overwhelming and can also be associated with illusions. Shining a light on disappointments, scandals, media exaggerations, and deceptions. Conflict and heightened emotions are bound to come to a head. This can be challenging time as it brings illumination to unwanted aspects of life but by bringing awareness, we are able to accept it and work through it and transform it.



What changes do I need to make?

What can I release today?

What have a been putting off?

What challenges are you facing?

If I am aggravated, what is the root of the frustration?

What do I need to take care of?

What are my next steps?

What is the plan? Do you have a plan?




Pisces relate to health and dreams. Eating healthy and getting proper sleep are a must always, but especially now.

Keeping a dream journal



Silence – time to yourself

Journaling - (**Extra Tip – Burn any entry you want to release in a safe nonflammable bowl)

Self-care routines




“We need to see it before we can do anything about it, and once we see it, it can’t be unseen.”




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