June Strawberry Full Moon (Mead or Honey Moon )

June Strawberry Full Moon (Mead or Honey Moon )

Sagittarius / Fire 

This week we experienced what most people call the strawberry moon, depending on where you are in the world, The full moon can be seen as earliest of Friday the 3rd until Monday the 5th of June, earlier this week. The name the strawberry moon came from the very short harvesting season of strawberries in the Northeastern of the United States back in 1930's.

Mead or Honey Moon come from a fermented drink made out of honey, water and spices. The " Honey Moon " was referenced by the honey wine made as well as the coming together of weddings in June. Some note the name honeymoon actually from the drink at marriages dated back 1500's in Europe. The sweetest of the moons in the year. 

Sagittarius energy brings adventure, travel, creativity, optimism, and some long-awaited clarity. Try to go with the flow as best you can and follow your intuition even if it doesn't make sense at the time. Start that new project, take that class, get that certification. This moon brings a great desire for change..... What are you going to change?






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