Hawaiian Vacation 2023

Hawaiian Vacation 2023

Well, completely sucked to come back from a great vacation then put my dog down. We are all getting though it, my other dog Nug is having a harder time than us human folk. Taking it day by day but can’t stop thinking about Hawaii.

We did it all!!

Hiked, Fished, Snorkeled, Volcano’s, Beach Days, Sea Turtles, Lava flows, Ziplining, Farmers Markets, Parade, Waterfalls, Rainforest, Black Sand Beaches, and Tattoos.

Some wonderful things I learned about Hawaii and the Hawaiian culture include:

  • “Aloha” means hello and goodbye.
  • Deep meaning of taking care of “Aina” which means land. This is shown daily though living on an island with limited resources.
  • “honi iku” done by touching the noses. Symbolizing “Ha” Breath of life.
  • Giving a lei “Aloha Spirt” shows honor of friendship, giving and love.
  • Volcano eruptions can be terrifying if you are living on the island. As well as volcanic rock can be used as a resource for all sorts of things throughout the island.
  • There is the cutest little gecko’s everywhere in Hilo (Green, yellow and blue)
  • Don’t remove rock or soil “Bad Luck”!
  • Island time is a real thing. Take your time, be polite, let people in and give them a shaka!


We all need to do our part in keeping our land and seas clean!! We could all show a little more “Aloha Spirt” 

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