Crown Chakra -7th

Crown Chakra -7th

Dark Violet or Purple/White (contains all color)

Element - Thought

“ Sahasrara” meaning thousand petaled, like the LOTUS. This chakra the most spiritual of all chakras symbolizing spiritual awareness to the divine. Located at the top of the head, the brain, the cerebral cortex as well as the pineal gland are associated with the 7th chakra. This chakra oversees clarity of mind, increased empathy for others, sense of purpose, unity, enlightenment, and your relationship to a higher power. The “Sahasrara” is the entrance point for human life force.

Positive Balanced 7th Chakra

Head Tingles

Mental clarity/Peaceful

Heightened senses

Lots of Energy

Bursting with idea

Strong Friendships

Negative Un-Balanced 7th Chakra

Lack of Focus


Emotional Blocks


Lack of interest in socializing


Overly Skeptical


Affirmations to help unblock: “I am at peace” “I value my connections with others” “I am love and Light” “I am my highest and most authentic self.”

Mantra “OM” or “AUM” That’s right, it belongs to the crown!! Translation means “Source” or “Supreme.” Chant this one while meditating.

Crystals: Clear Quarts, Moonstone, fluorite, labradorite, white agate, amethyst, selenite

Yoga Poses: Lotus, eagle pose, tree pose, savasana, headstand, rabbit stand.



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