Busy Bee 🐝

Busy Bee 🐝

We all have sooooo much going on!

The world is an ever-evolving shit show with so many moving parts. It can seem so counterproductive to relax when there is so much to get done. If you feel stressed just thinking about taking a break, that is probably your sign that it is time to take a break. If we don’t take care of ourselves, it can lead to burn out and sickness. Your body is very smart and will take itself out of the game if it isn’t getting the proper regard for its needs. Little breaks we can give ourselves add up and can greatly reduce stress, and can also improve overall happiness and wellbeing.


Ways to fight burn out

Sitting in Silence

Taking a time out of phones and social media






Hiking/walk in nature


Take a mental health day (Those PTO sick days are good for something)


** Tip: Just give your brain time to rest. Get the brain clutter out on to some paper if you have too many thoughts. Doesn’t matter what it is just do it. All you are really trying to do is take time away from whatever you are struggling with. It doesn’t have to be a long time but if it isn’t long, take multiple. If you have the freedom of a little extra time dig deep and make those minutes count.


Some signs of burn out might include:


Stomach Issues, changes in appetite

Feeling drained


Trouble coping with everyday tasks

Sad/Angry/ Irritable

Don’t Care Attitude

High blood pressure

More likely to get sick or frequent illness

Lack of sleep



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